Let's Talk: Resilience
Let's Talk: Resilience
A Card Discussion Tool to build emotional strength. It is important for people in care to remain positive and have discussions to encourage ways to build resilience.
This card tool is broken up into sections. Let's Talk: Resilience is cards to improve communication and confidence.
The cards are in 5 sections:
Discussion: to get people thinking about resilience
Quotes: either put the cards face up on the floor or table and ask each person to choose their favourite & explain why, or each person picks a card, in turn, to read to the group
Experience: participants share their own experiences of being resilient
Think again: changing unhelpful thinking patterns into helpful ones. Read the situation & quote on the card, and change the unhelpful thinking pattern into the helpful one which is given and suggest what you might say/ think instead.)
To be used together: strength cards (positive self-messages) and situation cards
There are 78 cards in total. Use for group discussion or individually.